My talks.

Invite me to speak or facilitate a workshop at your next conference, event, course, or meeting. I facilitate both virtual and in person programs.

Some past talks include: AAC&U 2021, Educause 2020, IAAPA 2018, Fontbonne 2017, CEIA 2017, AAC&U 2017, WACE 2017, CEIA 2016, Siemens 2015, ILA 2015, ILA 2014, SEMO 2014, ACPA 2014

A banner image that reads, "Leadership for What Purpose"

Leadership for What Purpose

This is my signature keynote talk. I go in depth on discussing six leadership lessons I’ve learned throughout my career of teaching and experiencing leadership.

A banner image that reads, "Observe, Interpret, Intervene, Observe"

Adaptive Leadership

This workshop-style talk focuses on the Adaptive Leadership philosophy and how organizations can use the adaptive process to bring about change where it is seemingly impossible to do so.

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership, a term coined by Robert Greenleaf, is a style of leading through serving others. In this workshop, I discuss how Servant Leadership can be used to help individuals find their voice and forge new paths for leading others.

A banner image that reads, "Personality and Leadership"

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

I am a certified (CAPT) MBTI facilitator and instructor. These workshops range from a fundamental overview of type to advanced personality assessment. I have coached large groups in MBTI as well as one on one personal development.

A banner image that reads, "Strengths Development"

Strengths-based Development

I use the Gallup StrengthsFinder tool to help you discover what your greatest areas of strength are and how best to utilize your strengths in your professional and personal growth.

A banner image that reads, "Design Thinking for Adaptive Change"

Design Thinking for Adaptive Change

I facilitate workshops introducing concepts of design thinking and adaptive change. Learners participate in active learning exercises and work together to solve a problem facing their own community using design thinking methods.

A banner image that reads, "Followership"

Exploring Followership

Using the findings from my own research, I help people explore how followership can help them become better professionals and create active change in their workplace.