My focus is on designing innovative ways for learners to reach their maximum potential, but I also research and teach in future of work, remote work, leadership and followership, and higher education administration.
An 8-week accelerated bootcamp introducing concepts of design thinking and adaptive change. Learners participate in active learning exercises and work together to solve a problem facing their own community using design thinking methods.
I sat on a panel at the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (ASEE) to discuss my work in developing a process for students to obtain micro-credentials through upskilling initiatives.
An article published in the Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics featuring my study to determine if a relationship exists between students’ leadership attitudes and beliefs, their leadership identity, and their perspective on followers.
I serve as a founder and CTO for a startup called, Pepulab, the creators of AgileProfiles, a web and mobile app developed to help local restaurants and retailers find and recruit talent.
I served as a co-author with Robin Selzer, Ph.D. on a book chapter, which highlighted components, research methodology, and process of facilitating a grassroots cultural audit. The book is titled, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management.
I served as a co-author with Robin Selzer, Ph.D. and Kevin Geiger on a new model for experiential learning, called Transformative Experiential Learning. The new model encapsulated the concepts of work-integrated learning alongside social justice and leadership development.
I designed, launched, and managed the UC Digital Skills Lab, a project designed to teach all students digital skills so that they can be better prepared for the future of work in their professions. To date, the lab has supported more than 2,500 students and issued over 1,300 micro-credentials.
I co-founded the UC Remote Work Lab with funding from the US Department of Labor to support co-op students and their employers learn how to work and manage remotely. The Center was conceived in 2018 and designed, developed, and launched just prior to COVID-19 in January 2020.
I spoke at EDUCAUSE in 2020 on exploring a new model for preparing our future workforce and the mass digital transformation of talent. I discussed the importance of infusing digital skill development throughout the curriculum and ways to implement digital skill training for all disciplines.
I posted an article through LinkedIn at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting seven tips for managing remote co-ops and interns. The article garnered significant attention and led to many follow-up speaking engagements, podcasts, and consulting opportunities with companies.